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Here are some of the great features of Fluenz Spanish (Spain) 1+2+3 with supplemental Audio CDs
Fluenz Spanish Spain, Discover Spanish through the magic of a great teacher
Fluenz Spanish is based on three principles:
1) There's no substitute for a great tutor. It's often difficult to motivate yourself to learn a language on your own. Having a teacher to challenge and inspire you, while explaining exactly how the language works, makes all the difference.
2) The best way for adults to learn Spanish is with explanations in English. For example, it is impossible to understand the difference between the critical Spanish verbs "ser" and "estar" without a clear explanation in English. With Fluenz, a real tutor guides you in English along a path specifically designed for Spanish.
3) It's best to learn the most relevant words in Spanish right away. Fluenz has you handling a wide range of real-world situations right from the start.
- Fluenz's unique approach is currently being used by elite units of the US Navy, senior personnel at the UN and UNICEF, executives of Fortune 500 companies, and students at Harvard Business School and other leading universities.
- The Fluenz language tutor guides you on video every step of the way, recreating a one-on-one tutoring experience, utilizing explanations in English, placing you in real-world contexts, and immersing you in the culture.
- 90 sessions of up to two and one-half hours each -- the most comprehensive software application covering the first three levels of Spanish anywhere. Fluenz Spanish 1+2+3 will guide you in English through the challenges of Spanish with a proven system.
- Fluenz blends beautiful full-motion video with a range of engaging, interactive workouts to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills -- including a recording engine to perfect your accent.
- Includes Fluenz Spanish 1, Fluenz Spanish 2, and Fluenz Spanish 3 DVD-ROMs, three audio CDs for additional learning, and the handy Fluenz Navigator for on-the-go referencing of important words and phrases.
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